December 11, 2018
Blender: vse proxy generator
If You use blender as video editor you probably doing a lot of manual work to setup and rebuild strip proxies (Proxy/timecode) in Sequencer. Been there, tired to do that!
In order to build proxy for all you strips just paste this code in bledner text editor and press 'run script':
import bpy def proxy_gen_all(proxy_sizes=[25], force=False): """ Rebuilds proxies for all strips""" for scene in seqs = scene.sequence_editor.sequences_all for seq in seqs: # operate only on MOVIE strips if seq.type == 'MOVIE': seq.use_proxy = True # if we pregenerate proxies in parallel externally if force: seq.proxy.use_overwrite = True if 25 in proxy_sizes: seq.proxy.build_25 = True if 50 in proxy_sizes: seq.proxy.build_50 = True if 75 in proxy_sizes: seq.proxy.build_75 = True if 100 in proxy_sizes: seq.proxy.build_100 = True seq.proxy.use_overwrite = False bpy.ops.sequencer.rebuild_proxy() proxy_gen_all([25, 50])
The script will build 25% and 50% proxies for all strips. It will not rebuild proxies if you run it again. Proxy building is time consuming task and unfortunately it blocks blender UI. So if you want to force rebuild the proxies you can just replace last line with this:
proxy_gen_all([25, 50], True)